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[Blog Tour] 'Christmas at Hembry Castle' (Hembry Castle Chronicles) ByAn unlikely earl struggles with his new place. A young couple s love is tested. What is a meddling ghost to do? Books Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Book Excerpts(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Christmas RelatedIn England, plans have been curtailed as the five-day Christmas bubble which would have allowed three households to celebrate together has been reduced to one day for two households. For those in the new Tier 4, no house, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Entertainment Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) History Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Miscellaneous(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) ParanormalMurder House Trailer from The Murder House Productions on Vimeo.
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